Portledge in the Now.

Message from our PA President

I hope all of your children have had a wonderful school year! Portledge is a very special place, and for those of you who were here on campus last week for blue/white day, you could see the Portledge magic firsthand, especially on the tug-of-war field!  
I wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude to each and every one of you for your support and dedication to our school this year. Your involvement has made a significant difference in the lives of our children, and I am truly grateful for your efforts. As we look ahead to next year, I hope you will continue to be involved on campus and help us celebrate our 60th anniversary.
It has been an honor to serve this community, and I am grateful for the opportunity to have worked with so many wonderful families. The Parents Association is always here to support and advocate for our school and its families. If you have any concerns or ideas, please don't hesitate to reach out. I am committed to being a resource for all of our families, and my door is always open to support you in any way I can.
If you would like to reach out, my cell number is 516-297-2659.
I wish you all a healthy and fun-filled summer vacation!
All the best,
Kim Leonard 
    • Portledge school

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