Portledge in the Now.

Reliable School Communications

At the start of each school year, parents may choose to create grade-wide group chats or WhatsApp groups. These groups are a great vehicle for parent-to-parent information sharing and support. We appreciate the connections between parents but want to remind you that the school does not manage these group chats. Messages shared in each WhatsApp or text group should benefit the whole group and should not be considered official school messaging.
The most reliable way to communicate with a teacher or administrator at Portledge is via their Portledge email or phone extension. In the case of an emergency or school closure, the school will contact you through our Emergency Notification System, and you will receive a phone call, text, and email. 
Below are a few guidelines to keep in mind when posting to your grade-level group chat:
  1. Parents are not required to join any group texts or messaging services. 
  2. If your child(ren)’s teacher is also a parent in your grade, the best way to contact them for Portledge-related questions is through their Portledge email address. 
Direct school questions and concerns to appropriate contacts. While we want to encourage parent-to-parent communication, this is not the right forum to raise concerns about school policy, teachers, curriculum, etc. Even if your topic applies to multiple families in the grade, each family situation is different. Please refer those questions or concerns to your teacher, division director, class parent, a member of the PA Board, or the appropriate School contact.
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Portledge School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, ancestry, age, marital status, disability, or any other characteristic protected by law. This policy applies to, but is not limited to, educational policies, admission, financial aid, hiring and employment practices, use of school facilities, athletics, and other school-administered programs.
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