Portledge in the Now.

MS: Course Selection for Rising 9th Grade for 2025-2026

Over the next few weeks, the Upper School Deans and/or schedulers will meet individually with your rising 9th graders—to discuss their course selections for the 2025-2026 school year—by pushing into Extended Advisory sessions on Thursday, February 27, and Thursday, March 6. Any students who are unable to complete this process during either of those two sessions will be able to do so in the weeks following March 6.
Please see below for some important notes and information:
  • Teachers in core academic subjects have made recommendations for which class they feel your child is best suited. Students may request to take a different class than recommended; doing so will initiate follow-up conversations among key personnel to ensure that your child’s schedule is best suited to bring them challenge, growth, and success.

  • These are requests, not final selections. Course requests will be shared with you via email sometime in April, and there will be time to make changes before schedules are finalized.

  • The 2025-2026 Upper School Course Description booklet is available in the Resources section of myPortledge and on our public-facing website in the Upper School Academics section.

  • We strongly encourage all students to enroll in a minimum of 7 credits per year—equivalent to 7 full-year classes (or other combinations of full-year and single-semester classes totaling 7 credits). Requests to take more than 7 classes in either semester will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

  • Don't hesitate to get in touch with us if you have any questions or concerns.
Best wishes,
Scheduling Coordinators
    • Portledge school

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